Advanced Drugs System [ESX]
Languages (easily translatable)
- English
- Italian / Italiano
- German / Deutsch
- Persian / فارسی
- Dutch / Nederlands
- French / Français
- Spanish / Español
- Portuguese / Português
- Czech / Česky
- Chinese / 中国人
Premade drugs (you can easily create new things)
- Many harvestable points for ingredients of default drugs
- 4 drugs fields: Cannabis, alternative cannabis, opium and cocaine
- 4 craftable drugs: Lean, Meth, Ecstasy and LSD
- 2 Laboratories to craft the premade recipes
Harvestable points / Ingredients
- You can add as many harvestable points as you want
- All items can be used in a recipe
- Easily add infinite harvesting points
- Harvestable item point can have custom map blip
- You can decide a minimum and a maximum amount for each harvestable point
- Each harvestable point can have different time to harvest
Drugs fields
- You can create infinite drugs fields
- You can use any model object you want (example plants, flowers, etc.)
- You can define a maximum amount of objects that can spawn simultaneously for each drug field
- Drugs Fields can have custom map blip
- You can add as many items as you want in each drug field, with different chances, so you can have rare harvest items and common ones
- The objects that spawns in the drugs fields are on sync between the players, so everybody will see the same plants / objects in the same spots, and when someone harvests a plant, other players won’t be able to harvest the same plant
- Each item in the drug field will have a minimum and maximum quantity
Crafting recipes
- You can create infinite amount of crafting recipes
- You can use all items for the recipes, even the old/new items of your server
- There are 2 types of reward when the player crafts a correct recipe: normal and perfect
- Both reward types can have multiple items and quantities
- You can add as many ingredients as you want in the recipe, defining a minimum, a maximum and a perfect quantity for the recipe
- You can choose an ingredient in the recipe won’t be lost, so it can be used as a tool
- Each crafting recipe can have its own time to craft
- You can create as many laboratories as you want
- Each laboratory can have different recipes, so you can use a laboratory just for certain recipes if you prefer
- Laboratories can have custom map blip
- You can easily use the recipes you created in crafting recipes
- A fire can start if the recipe used is wrong (can be disabled)
- There will be an explosion if the recipe used is wrong, it will also alert the police (can be disabled)
- Cheaters can’t see drugs recipes with cache decrypters
- You can restrict the laboratory to the jobs you prefer
- Drugs can be sold in many ways
- Drugs can be sold on planes and on boats, while driving on Pacific Ocean (configurable)
- Police gets alerted when someone is selling drugs ( configurable )
- Drugs can be sold to NPCs
- Drugs can be sold in bulk quantities to the narcos
- Drugs can be sold to pushers (drug dealers)
- You can choose a minimum number of police required to sell drugs
- You can sell all the items you want through the selling methods
- You can define a price reduction in case there are only few cops in the server (players will be motivated to sell only when there are many cops)
Plane sell
- You can enable/disable plane selling in the menu
- You can decide a minimum of police required to sell with plane
- You can decide a minimum height to sell the drugs
- You can decide the seconds required to sell the drugs
- You can enable/disable the police alert
- You can decide if using the whole ocean or only certain coordinates to sell with the plane
- You can decide where to receive money (cash, black money, bank)
- You can decide which drugs will be sold with the plane
Boat sell
- You can enable/disable boat selling in the menu
- You can decide a minimum of police required to sell with boat
- You can decide the seconds required to sell the drugs
- You can enable/disable the police alert
- You can decide if using the whole ocean or only certain coordinates with a radius on boat
- You can decide where to receive money (cash, black money, bank)
- You can decide which drugs will be sold with the boat
NPC Sell
- You can enable/disable NPC selling in the menu
- You can decide a minimum of police required to sell to NPCs
- You can decide how many seconds are required to sell to an NPC
- You can decide minimum and the maximum quantity of drug an NPC can buy
- You can decide where to receive money (cash, black money, bank)
- You can edit the probabilities that the NPC will accept the drug
- You can edit the probabilities that the police will be alerted
- NPCs can refuse the drug
- If you try to sell to a gang member, he will attack you
- NPCs can steal your drug (and you can get it back by attacking the NPC)
- NPCs can alert the police
- NPCs might have a knife and attack you
- You can set a maximum quantity of drugs that can be sold from a player to NPCs each server/script restart
- You can decide what drugs will be accepted by NPCs
Narcos selling
- You can enable/disable narcos in the menu
- You can decide a minimum of police required to sell to narcos
- You can change the model the narcos will have
- Narcos can have custom map blip
- You can add infinite locations where the narcos can spawn
- Narcos will spawn in one random location from the list you create
- Narcos will ask one random drug only between a list you decide
- There is a probability you can define that police will be alerted
- Narcos will automatically change location and drug each time it changes location (default it’s 2 hours)
- You can decide if narcos can accept infinite quantities of the drug the players sells to him or accept only once for the whole server each location (this can make it a high reward system)
- You can decide where to receive money (cash, black money, bank)
Pushers (drug dealers)
- You can enable/disable pushers in the menu
- You can define a minimum amount of police online required to sell to pushers
- You can change the model pushers NPCs will have
- Pushers can have custom map blip
- You can create infinite pushers
- Each pusher will be available only in the real life time frame you decide (example 14:00-19.00)
- You can decide if the pusher will accept only the drugs you define in a list or a random one from the list
- You can define a maximum of each drug the player will be able to sell
- You can define the chances that the police will be alerted
Drugs effects
- All drugs can be used and have effects you decide
- 4 ways to assume drugs: Smoking it, taking a pill, drinking it or using a needle
- Many effects can be used in any drug
- You can add effects to all the items you want, even old drugs you already have
- Visual colors altered
- Shaking visual
- Drunk walk
- Give 50% armor
- Give 100% armor
- Heal 50% of the health
- Heal 100% of the health
- Faster sprint
- Infinite stamina while the effect is active
- Faster swim
- Easy fall
- Old effects remove
- es_extended / qb-core
- onesync (you probably already have enabled this)
- esx_menu_default
- Minimum server artifacts version 4752
- Download the script (you can find it here)
- Extract wherever you want into your resources
- Add ACE permission “advanced_drugs_creator” to allow admins using the script (example below).
- Add
ensure advanced_drugs_creator
in your server.cfg
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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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