Closed shops [QB]
- When all members of a job are off duty, a NPC is spawned with shop for people to buy from
- This allows people to buy food and drink items even when the store is technically closed
- This is a fair system for big servers with players from different timezones.
- Highly customisable
- Config.lua controls what items can be sold in the shop
- (Personally recommend selling only crafted goods, as others can be economy breaking)
- This stops people trying to sell illegal goods at legal jobs
- Fine tune the prices of each items in the config.
- Boss controlled stock
- Only Boss roles can access stock from NPC
- Stock only as large as total possible items? 8 items in config – 8 slots
- This stops people using it as a personal stash
- QB-Core
- QB-Core
- QB_Target / OX_Target
- QB_Inventory / OX_Inventory
- QB- Menu / OX_Lib Context Menus
- progressbar / OX_Lib ProgressBars
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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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