Advance Shops [ESX]
- es_extended (1.2 / Legacy | Other versions haven not been tested)
- mysql-async
- Player Owned Shops
- Description Editing
- Shop Category Selection
- Item Search
- Resupplies
- Shop Settings
- Delivery Jobs
V2 Update:
- Bigger UI
- Fixed Sell Shop Bug
- Fixed Notification Types
- Player kicks from shop on shop close
- Added Option To Change Text Colour
- Added Co-Owner Option. Co-Owners can manage everything as an Owner, except sell the shop
- Added Robberies. Each store’s robbery can be configured or disabled. Robbery takes items from shop’s inventory and balance
- Added Police Raids. Now Police Jobs with certain grades can manage store’s inventory and settings. Few examples: for illegal items or inappropriate title
- Added MF Inventory Compatibility
- Added option to set up default store, when the shop hasn’t been purchased.
- 100% Open Source
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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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